The Art of Mastering the Right Moment to Let Go

I had (yet another) car call with my mentor, and as usual, it was supposed to be just a quick catch-up; about 75 minutes later, we had gone through multiple things that I didn’t realize I even had in my mind.

One topic I raised was whether I am a blogger for my team members could grow. Don’t get me wrong; I feel grateful to have my team. They are fantastic professionals, and we get along ideally. All of them are pushing me to grow, and I still have something to give them, at least for now. Still, on the following day, while watching the sunrise at the Helsinki-Vantaa airport, I can’t help but wonder if I somehow am blogging about their growth. Am I giving them enough space to grow, test their theories, and enjoy the responsibility and power?

In sports, changing the coach or leader isn’t an admission of failure—it’s a strategic decision to unlock greater, even hidden potential. Why haven’t we learned to take it as such on the Business side? Just as a sports team benefits from a coach who can bring out the best in the players, a business team thrives under a leader who can inspire, challenge, and guide them to new levels of success. Knowing when to make this change is vital to fostering an environment where the team members can succeed and excel beyond expectations.

Creating Space for Bigger Growth

As leaders, we often feel responsible for guiding our teams to success. But sometimes, the best way to lead would be to step back and allow others the space to grow beyond the confines of our leadership. Knowing when to let go isn’t about relinquishing control but creating the conditions for even greater achievements. No, it’s not only the leader’s responsibility but also the leader’s responsibility. That’s where your mentors are also good mirrors. It’s harder for oneself to see your growth. But when your mentor reminds you of how this kind of thinking wouldn’t have been your cup of tea, you can give yourself some credit for your growth!

Holding On vs. Letting Go

It’s natural to want to stay at the helm, especially when you’ve built a robust and effective team that respects and values your leadership, is highly motivated, and shares your values. But there’s a fine line between nurturing your team and unknowingly limiting their potential. The true test of leadership is recognizing when your continued presence, despite being positive and supportive, might keep them from reaching even greater heights. At this point, I acknowledge my growth journey. Every time I’ve worked with a great leader who has moved on, I’ve experienced growth. It hasn’t always been easy, but it has always led to something more meaningful. Perhaps it’s my phase of putting the valuable lessons and examples they’ve left behind into practice.

The Greater Impact of Letting Go

When you step back, you’re not just giving your team room to grow—you’re paving the way for a broader impact. By trusting them to lead and innovate, you’re fostering a culture that’s not dependent on a single individual but capable of sustaining excellence and growth over time.

Knowing when to let go is one of the most challenging and courageous decisions a leader can make. It’s a testament to your belief in your team’s abilities and a commitment to their ongoing success. By creating space for bigger growth, you’re ensuring that the seeds you’ve planted will continue to flourish, even beyond your direct influence. I have been fortunate to work with these genuinely impactful leaders— and have felt their legacy pushing me further and carrying me forward. That’s where I’d like to be one day, among the ones who empower others to achieve greatness on their own. And to understand when to disappear!