Did You Remember to Follow Your Dreams?

What happened to your dream job? Did you become what you always thought you would? When we were kids, we were often asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” This question was filled with limitless possibilities and unrestrained imagination. Astronauts, doctors, artists, and superheroes were common answers, reflecting dreams untethered by life’s realities. Some believe in following faith and guidance, while others take charge and create their own path. Regardless of your approach, where did you end up? I know a few people who stuck with their plans and achieved exactly what they dreamed of. However, I know far more who have drifted into what they do today.

That got me thinking: How often do we ask ourselves that same question after landing our first job? How often do we pause to consider whether our career path aligns with our dreams and passions?

The Journey from Childhood Dreams to Adult Realities

As children, our dreams are pure and boundless. We envision ourselves in roles that inspire and excite us. However, as we transition into adulthood, practicality often overshadows passion. We choose careers based on job availability, salary prospects, and societal expectations. While these are valid considerations, they can sometimes lead us away from what truly makes us happy.

Many of us enter the workforce with enthusiasm and purpose, but over time, the daily grind and responsibilities can make us lose sight of our initial dreams. Then there are people like Guitar Master Jarmo Nikku, who often said he hasn’t had to work a day, not because he wouldn’t have done anything, but because playing guitar is not considered work but passion for him.

The routine of adult life—bills, family, obligations—can push those childhood aspirations into the background. But growing up doesn’t mean we must give up on our dreams.

While pursuing a dream job can be seen as ideal in many cases, it’s also perfectly valid to maintain a steady “OK” job and cultivate your passions as hobbies. This balance allows you to enjoy financial stability while still engaging in activities that bring you joy. Many people find great satisfaction in exploring their interests outside of work hours, which can also enhance overall well-being. Embracing hobbies can sometimes lead to unexpected opportunities and even a potential career shift when the time feels right.

What Do You Want to Be?

I have a habit, usually when having more unofficial get-togethers, of asking my team members what they would like to do if they had all the possibilities in the world. I’ve done it a few times and sometimes get the comment, “You’ve asked us this before.” My excuse has always been that dreams can change, and without asking for proof, every time we enter this conversation, something unexpected comes up. It’s a team member’s surprised expression of something that has been said, changed, or more nuanced dreams, or even something I can think about when considering suitable team members for the next initiative or new role.

I feel it’s crucial to periodically ask ourselves, “What do I want to be when I grow up?” This question applies to everyone at any stage of life. Our dreams and aspirations can evolve as we grow older, and staying in touch with what ignites our passion and brings us joy is essential.

Here are a few reasons why we should continually revisit this question:

  • Pursuing a career or hobby that aligns with our passions leads to a more fulfilling life. When we love what we do, work becomes more than just a means to an end—it becomes a source of joy and satisfaction.
  • Revisiting our career aspirations encourages us to grow and evolve. It pushes us out of our comfort zones and challenges us to learn new skills and take on new experiences.
  • Staying in a job that no longer excites or gives us meaning can lead to burnout. By regularly assessing our career and other goals, we can make proactive changes to prevent this and maintain our enthusiasm and energy.
  • For those with children or mentees, demonstrating the importance of following one’s dreams can be a powerful lesson. It shows multiple ways to pursue what truly matters to you, and it is never too late.

Reconnect with Your Dreams

Take time to reflect on what makes you happy and what you are passionate about. What activities make you lose track of time? What issues or fields excite you? It’s not always that easy. I have had moments when I thought there was no passion in me, and questions about finding it would cause more anxiety than relief. But once you identify your passions, set specific, achievable goals; these can be short-term or long-term, having a clearer direction will help you stay focused.

So, what do you want to do next?

It’s never too late to reconnect with your dreams and passions. Sometimes, pursuing our dreams requires significant changes in our lives. Be open to these changes and trust they will lead you to a more fulfilling career path. Dare to take that unbeaten path if it leads you toward what you love! Whether it’s making a bold career shift or finding fulfillment through hobbies, the journey to rediscovering what truly makes you happy is always worthwhile. Take a moment to ask yourself that childlike question again—your future self will thank you.